Token Supply
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10 ETH has been paired with 10% of the supply. When Ryoshi did this with Shiba, they sent the LP tokens to vitalik. Since the woofmesiter is a confirmed rugger we aren’t going to send him the coins.
10% of the supply started as 45 day LP farm. Simply put, you deposited your OSAK/ETH LP token from Uniswap V2 and it locks it until the end of the farm term and you will receive in proportion from 10% the supply of OSAK.
30% of the supply was a airdrop to teh SoldShibaSadBoy, the majority ofunclaimed tokens were burned.
5% of the unclaimed airdrop tokens supply was for a 180 day LP farm.
There are no airdrops left, the only want to get OSAK tokens is to Buy.